Im Teaser laden Sella Vie und Karma Attitude zum Podcast "The Queen & The Drag" und geben einen kleinen Vorgeschmack, was in Zukunft zu erwarten ist. Für Feedback, Fragen oder Freundschaftstipps meldet euch gern bei Insta entweder bei @sellaviema_cherie oder @karma.attitude
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00:00:00: Music.
00:00:16: Of podcast.
00:00:18: Hello Heights as soon as yalla Ben Victor one's confirmed and help you Doug Ducey of playing it looked up that word Spanish Ozzie Guillen her.
00:00:28: He isn't fear i z La Vie hello oh and Camera attitude I ne vous NE Shonen Tak morning wood vrm event.
00:00:43: Yeah your fact I said Sunshine is v as interfere with us is the queen and the drag,
00:00:49: after evaluation incline on iron plate give them or
00:00:54: further Dia de Ville sella Cannon to swat at home so I became a shelf a shkadov decision fangs all gonna sack my a set so to me limit investment him is to tune ham they added ending.
00:01:08: Huff relief here next and phone I'm gonna sell a v we come across chun chun has acted as H come.
00:01:18: Arsenio van Frankfort in
00:01:20: then climbed under Vision centres on Veena Asterix for you right now that he gets me Kevin yes Venetian he is also a woman's Ocean Edge data but I cannot Province Liam.
00:01:34: Abomination seconds longer in.
00:01:38: Of course that and galloped let's go yeah perhaps I can Frankfurt about for that I got side in Berlin
00:01:46: and then some give this anguish yeah too many sweets had seen it,
00:01:51: lift up thy sisters emphasizing like value Province limit cap and vans and they quit govern and Klein wound then there are so many encamped there will Attack by Mabel streamed.
00:02:05: Continue to pass band and job in the security projects were Got7 method M ja B accomplish them every day and did Nixon foreign now ever happens is that creative Adam.
00:02:17: T is a lighter of confirmed as if in a bad student need my honest living can on the swing come on CED and for my.
00:02:27: With a podcast with start not money has also had tsutago this is still cool two-tone crazy crazy,
00:02:34: it's for my entire been drag queen lived in Berlin and the convention Tashi teachers own weren't defrag reverse the queen and where's the drag,
00:02:45: that's come on come on it's often doesn't come on by unforgotten my advice isn't it we then didn't feel like talking often couldn't gain in this podcast or and get now just just cleared angry,
00:02:58: it's 52 V Frogger warm Gates Sean good up finish,
00:03:03: or with Adam named the wounds on attacks team naturally Chao,
00:03:10: find have Team Bryson untraditional were from philosophers in hintergrund Uber home ownership
00:03:19: Vie touch my new Endeavor harm can a sense as it's a th staff hired and then next environment.
00:03:26: And the philosophy is a back teeth chronically unwell yeah the coordinates it doesn't he's not done as I ain't garnish mom.
00:03:34: Would have difficulty in solution the Aston her that in the.
00:03:39: I'm about as we have under content of your entire very sang yeah I'm and I'm going to kind of Rise given to my Gianni's ones on skates are literally burned franchise.
00:03:51: Let's cut Sargon as against V stick a video podcast or the on the beginning transact.
00:03:58: It's a lotta Shootin a team that we've earned us in a tin couldn't spend sick minuten.
00:04:06: With Adam lesson I'm geeked.
00:04:11: As a couple that we that was someone named ordered in podcasters hen DVR and my video all shouted on mid-flight and to physician and.
00:04:21: Good louder than the rest are standard for sure itís this is super to Zambia fast my t-shirts here are my back exactly.
00:04:30: After some tone Gooden and,
00:04:32: tone couldn't torn Verde Stan Getz are a with ronan's when you are next Norma of them play hours on the finance,
00:04:46: if Nick's of all her to Berkeley asking for I kind of wish you were taught by Jesus.
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